Things people do when they’re hungover… they don’t. They simply lay in bed, for god knows how long, wishing they weren’t hungover. Imagine all the things you could be doing, instead of being hungover.

Introducing NOTHANGOVER, the product that prevents hangovers before they start, so you can finally do more! Think of us as a productivity booster, a regret minimizer, and most importantly, a hangover forbidder.
Art Direction
Product Strategy
Video Editing
We're no stalkers but we do know that most people use ride-share services like Uber on a night out,
and of course, you'll be convinced after seeing this ad every weekend!
Uber In-App Banner Ads
We heard that listening to music helps with sobering up. Not sure how true that is but NOTHANGOVER is scientifically proven in case you needed another reason to try us out!

Spotify Ad
Art Director
Emily Chiu
Paige Yoskin
We know you have some good hungover stories so share them with us for some free NOTHANGOVERs
and maybe even a feature on our billboards where we tell you the best solution for your slight complication.
Social Media Challenge & Giveaway → User Generated Billboard
PR Stunt
Still not convinced? Come see it for yourself!
We think it's quite obvious who took NOTHANGOVER and who didn't...

Scan the QR code on the window to suggest other things he can do, be it a handstand, 15 push-ups, or something crazy. Either way, the hungover guy will be doing nothing as expected.
Instagram Quizzes
Your favorite influencers probably need NOTHANGOVER just as much as you do, so we're sending them a PR package with some NOTHANGOVER freebies along with mixer packets and a limited edition drinking game for a good night and a perfectly sober morning afterward!

Take their word for it when they start promoting NOTHANGOVER
Influencer PR Package
In case you didn't get the gist of how much time you've lost from your hungover so let us emphasize that again.
Is it one of those days again when you thought you would get work done but end up being hungover?
Walk up to one of these billboards for a NOTHANGOVER coupon and watch your productivity skyrocket!
Interactive Billboards
Case Study Video
have a great day ☺